
About us

Group Naša Perspektiva ( NP ) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization founded in February 2010. Since its foundation, the organization has been focused on involving the B&H diaspora in the development of its country of origin.

Every year, NP organizes the BH Diaspora Business Forum  – BHdiaFor, which represents the largest business gathering of the Diaspora in BiH.

In addition, Naša Perspektiva  manages the BH Business Centerof the B&H Diaspora (Diaspora Business Center/DBC), a one-stop shop for the business diaspora, as well as the platform, tools created as part of the implementation of the USAID Diaspora Invest project

Finally, with the aim of involving the diaspora in local economic development, the NP works closely with over 30 local self-government units throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina.

This website was created thanks to the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The content of the site is solely the responsibility of its editor and does not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

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All information about investment and B2B opportunities in BiH, opportunities for internships, transfer of knowledge, obtaining financial and technical support, as well as other opportunities for engagement of the diaspora in BiH is just one click away from you.

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“Naša Perspektiva” is a non-governmental, non-profit organization founded in February 2010, with a focus on involving BiH. diaspora in the development of the country of origin.

Naša Perspektiva je nevladina, neprofitna organizacija osnovana u februaru 2010. godine, sa fokusom na involviranje bh. dijaspore u razvoj zemlje porijekla.