

If you intend to open a company in Bosnia and Herzegovina, it is a legal obligation to have a contract with a certified accountant. Without this contract, you will not be able to complete the process of registering your company, because you will have to attach this contract when registering your company in the competent service.


A quality and well-informed accountant will save you the trouble of working with the BiH administrative apparatus and control that your company operates in accordance with BiH regulations. If you hire such an accountant and follow the rules, you reduce the possibility of problems with the tax inspection (IRS).

Accounting operations in Bosnia and Herzegovina include recording business changes, the state and movement of funds and sources of funds, reporting business results, determining income and profits, that is, income and expenses, by providing the following records and calculations:

  • keeping the general ledger and diary, i.e. the main financial bookkeeping according to the analytical chart of accounts adopted by the competent body of the service user,

  • analytical records of fixed assets and small inventory with calculation of depreciation, i.e. value correction,

  • analytical records within the general ledger of investments according to the investment program,

  • analytical records of customers and suppliers and other liabilities and claims,

  • revaluation of assets according to legal regulations,

  • preparation of periodic calculations and annual calculations according to regulations and deadlines and on prescribed forms in accordance with the provisions of the Act on Accounting and other by-laws,

  • providing the necessary professional advice and information in the field of accounting at the request of the service user.

  • Monthly salary calculation with preparation and submission of monthly specifications (MFA and 2001 forms),

  • Calculation of other benefits and benefits for employees who do not have salary status,

  • Preparation and submission of the annual employee salary report (GIP form),

  • Calculation of work contracts and royalty contracts (if the need arises),

  • Monthly calculation of value added tax (VAT),

  • Compilation and submission of the VAT return and the accompanying D VAT form,

  • Reconciliation of bank accounts (statements) and cash balance,

  • Preparation of the annual calculation, as well as the calculation of profit and income tax,

  • Preparation of monthly reports for the Bureau of Statistics of FBiH (if there is a request from the Bureau),

  • Preparation of all necessary reports for commercial banks and other competent authorities,

  • Compliance of the company with applicable laws and regulations.

    Every accounting entity (enterprise) is responsible for keeping financial books, preparing and submitting accounting reports in accordance with the provisions of the Accounting Act, international accounting regulations and international accounting standards.

Reports that you must submit to the competent institutions

The accounting report must unequivocally and credibly show the resources of the balance sheet, liabilities to other sources and business results. The accounting department of the business entity (enterprise) submits half-yearly (semi-annual profit and loss balance) and annual (annual profit and loss balance) accounting report.

The semi-annual report must be submitted by the end of July of the current year, while the annual report is submitted by the end of February of the following year – for the year that has expired.

The company must comply with laws and standards in the process of bookkeeping and submitting accounting reports.

The standards were adopted in accordance with international accounting standards and relevant EU directives.

Business books are kept in accordance with the principles of the double-entry bookkeeping system.

Annual and half-yearly financial reports must contain accounting statements:

  • balance sheet
  • income statement

Accounting documentation and archiving

Accounting of a business entity (enterprise) should properly maintain and archive accounting documents, business books, accounting and business reports.

The rules define the periods and methods of maintaining and keeping accounting documents, business books, accounting statements and business reports.

The accounting of a business entity (enterprise) in the process of preparing accounting reports adheres to the general principles of valuation:

  • the principle of continuity
  • principle of consistency
  • the principle of prudence for balances containing the principle of finality and the principle of inequality
  • the principle of causality of income and expenditure
  • the principle of individual valuation of assets and liabilities according to other sources
  • the principle of time-bound balance.

“Naša Perspektiva” is a non-governmental, non-profit organization founded in February 2010, with a focus on involving BiH. diaspora in the development of the country of origin.

Naša Perspektiva je nevladina, neprofitna organizacija osnovana u februaru 2010. godine, sa fokusom na involviranje bh. dijaspore u razvoj zemlje porijekla.