

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, as a form of business, you can choose one of 4 forms of companies/enterprises, most of which are regulated by entity laws on companies, while trade is regulated by the special Law on Trades and Related Activities of the FBiH, that is, by the Law on Craft-Entrepreneurial Activities of the RS.

The craft industry

A craft industry is the independent and permanent performance of permitted and registered activities by natural persons/natural entity in a basic, supplementary or additional occupation, for the purpose of achieving profit that is realized through production, trade or provision of services on the market. The process of registering a trade/craft industry takes a relatively short time. It is initiated by submitting a request to the competent service in the municipality/municipality of registration.

Company with unlimited joint and several liability

Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

It is established by concluding a contract between two or more domestic/foreign natural persons/entities.

Members are jointly and severally liable for the company’s obligations (with their entire assets). No minimum or maximum founding capital has been established.

Republika Srpska (Republic of Srpska)

It is established by the adoption of an act of incorporation of two or more domestic/foreign physical and/or legal entities that undertake to do business under the same name.

Members are jointly and severally liable for the company’s obligations (with their entire assets). No minimum or maximum founding capital has been established.

Company with limited joint liability (doo)

Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

It is established by the adoption of an act of incorporation or by a contract between one or more domestic/foreign natural and/or legal persons with share capital divided into roles.

A member of a limited liability company is responsible for the obligations of the company to the extent of his role in that company. The minimum founding capital is 1,000.00 (one thousand) KM (approx. 500.00 – five hundred EUR).

Republika Srpska (Republic of Srpska)

It is established by the deed of incorporation of one to one hundred domestic/foreign natural and/or legal persons.

An investor in a limited liability company is not personally liable for any of the company’s obligations, but is responsible for the value of the invested capital in the company. The minimum basic capital is 1.00 KM. (approx. 0.50 euro cents)

Limited partnership (k.d.)

Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

It is established by a contract between two or more domestic/foreign natural persons and/or legal entities.

At least one partner has full liability (including private ownership) and at least one partner has limited liability, which is limited by the value of his share in the company. No minimum or maximum share capital has been established.

Republika Srpska (Republic of Srpska)

It is established by the adoption of a deed of incorporation between two or more domestic/foreign natural and/or legal persons.

At least one person has unlimited liability and at least one person has liability that is proportional to the amount of capital invested in the company. No minimum or maximum share capital has been established.

Joint-stock company (d.d.)

Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

A legal company that is established by the agreement of one or more domestic/foreign natural or legal persons – shareholders with initial capital divided into shares.

An open company is a legal entity (bank, insurance company or company) with a minimum share capital of BAM 4,000,000.00 – four million (approx. EUR 2,000,000.00 – two million) and at least 40 shareholders whose shares were issued through a public offering .

A closed company is a type of joint stock company whose shares are issued to a limited number of participants. The minimum basic capital is BAM 50,000.00 – fifty thousand (approx. EUR 25,000.00 – twenty-five thousand).

Republika Srpska (Republic of Srpska)

It is a legal company that is established by the founding deed of one or more domestic/foreign physical and/or natural persons with a share capital divided into a certain number of shares.

An open company is a legal entity whose shares are publicly traded, i.e. whose shares are offered for sale on the open market and are listed on the stock exchange and other public markets. The minimum basic capital is BAM 50,000 (approx. EUR 25,000).

A closed company is a type of joint stock company whose shares are distributed among a limited number of shareholders. The minimum basic capital is BAM 20,000.00 (approx. EUR 10,000.00).

“Naša Perspektiva” is a non-governmental, non-profit organization founded in February 2010, with a focus on involving BiH. diaspora in the development of the country of origin.

Naša Perspektiva je nevladina, neprofitna organizacija osnovana u februaru 2010. godine, sa fokusom na involviranje bh. dijaspore u razvoj zemlje porijekla.