
Ask for financial support



If you are a member of the diaspora and plan to start a d.o.o. in BiH, or you have started a company in the meantime, you have the opportunity to apply for the Grant Program as part of the USAID Diaspora Invest project. The program provides grant funds for small and medium-sized enterprises that are in the process of being established or have been established in the last three years and that are (co)owned by a member of BH. diaspora, or that they have a demonstrable business connection with Bosnia and Herzegovina diaspora.

Funds are allocated for co-financing the purchase of equipment (investment in fixed assets) and it is possible to apply up to 70,000 KM. The public call is published twice a year (March and September).

In addition to this public call, the USAID Diaspora Invest project will launch an Investment Fund in partner municipalities/cities, which will also be intended for small and medium-sized enterprises that are in the process of being established or have been established in the last three years and that are (co)owned by members/ ice bh. diaspora, or that they have a demonstrable business connection with Bosnia and Herzegovina. diaspora.

More on this call soon.

“Naša Perspektiva” is a non-governmental, non-profit organization founded in February 2010, with a focus on involving BiH. diaspora in the development of the country of origin.

Naša Perspektiva je nevladina, neprofitna organizacija osnovana u februaru 2010. godine, sa fokusom na involviranje bh. dijaspore u razvoj zemlje porijekla.