
Become an intermediary for the export of BiH products and services



If you live abroad and are connected in certain sectors, there is an opportunity to use your contacts to help Bosnia and Herzegovina companies in entering foreign markets. The USAID project Diaspora Invest launched the activity “Bosnia and Herzegovina exports!” with the aim of connecting business people in the diaspora with Bosnia and Herzegovina companies that are looking for support in exporting their products and services to foreign markets.

Through these activities, we offer support to Bosnia and Herzegovina companies by establishing business contacts, providing information on foreign markets, identifying new business opportunities and sales channels, and assistance in establishing business relations with foreign partners. This program also aims to stimulate economic growth in BiH by strengthening the export competitiveness of BiH company.

This is an opportunity for BiH business people in the diaspora who want to help the development of Bosnia and Herzegovina economy. In addition to supporting BiH companies in exporting, business people in the diaspora will also be able to connect with new business partners and create new business opportunities for themselves.

In order to apply for this program, you need to fill out an online application form that will be published soon. It is necessary to indicate your contacts abroad, the sectors in which you operate and the language in which you communicate. After registration, you will be contacted by a project representative who will provide you with further information about the program and the process of connecting with BiH companies

“Naša Perspektiva” is a non-governmental, non-profit organization founded in February 2010, with a focus on involving BiH. diaspora in the development of the country of origin.

Naša Perspektiva je nevladina, neprofitna organizacija osnovana u februaru 2010. godine, sa fokusom na involviranje bh. dijaspore u razvoj zemlje porijekla.